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Year Of Security Culture 2022

Security is Everyone’s Responsibility!

The Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP) provides guidance for priority-setting at the international, regional and State levels. It creates a framework within which ICAO, States and stakeholders can work together to meet shared objectives. Additionally, the GASeP supports ICAO's No Country Left Behind initiative to address common challenges, and it guides efforts to jointly further enhance aviation security. One of the five priority actions of the GASeP is to develop security culture and human capability, stating "The promotion of effective security culture is critical to achieve good security outcomes. A strong security culture must be developed from the top management across and within every organization. The existence of a well-trained, motivated and professional workforce is a critical prerequisite for effective aviation security."

This Plan is developed through rigorous internal and external consultation and analysis (PESTL, SWOT and Brainstorming Workshops) to determine how well we did to reach where we are today, what helped, where were the challenges and the business environment outlook for the future. The organization’s internal and external climate demanded a revision of the GCAA’s Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Objectives to ensure that the organization remained on course to achieve its Vision.-Test by QA on 26 sep 2021​​and for DG message.


Security culture is a set of norms, beliefs, values, attitudes and assumptions that are inherent in the daily operation of an organization and are reflected by the actions and behaviours of all entities and personnel within the organization. Security should be everyone's responsibility - from the ground up. Effective security culture is about:

  • Recognizing that effective security is critical to business success;
  • Establishing an appreciation of positive security practices among employees;
  • Aligning security to core business goals; and
  • Articulating security as a core value rather than as an obligation or a burdensome expense.


The benefits of an effective aviation security culture include:

  • Employees are engaged with, and take responsibility for, aviation security issues;
  • Levels of compliance with protective aviation security measures increase;
  • The risk of aviation security incidents and breaches is reduced by employees thinking and acting in more security-conscious ways;
  • Employees are more likely to identify and report behaviours/activities of concern;
  • Employees feel a greater sense of aviation security; and
  • Aviation security is improved without the need for large expenditure.


UAE GCAA Year of Security Culture Participating
Strategic Partners





GCAA Year of Security Culture Workshops & Sessions

Date By Course Title Presentation brief Description Language Status
14 March 2022 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Narinder Pal Yadav Development of Aviation Security Program The air passenger experience involves many requirements which countries must address relating to effective travel document and border management, information sharing and the identification of high-risk travelers, the screening of people and cargo for security purposes, global anti-terrorism objectives, and many other inter-related priorities. These requirements are addressed and appropriate responsibilities are allocated to various entities including, but not limited to Airport and Aircraft Operators in the National Aviation Security Programme (NCASP). English Completed
15 June 2022 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Faycal Chemkha Data analysis and security culture The aim of the presentation is to explain how we can exploit aviation security data at different level, operational, oversight and reporting in order to understand patterns and to anticipate solutions. English Completed
27 June 2021 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Mladen Cala Aviation Security General Awareness Aviation Security is a matter of concern for everyone within the civil aviation industry. This affects virtually all areas of operation. Whether a person works with passengers, cargo or at a security screening checkpoint, everyone has a role in keeping the civil aviation operations safe and secure. This presentation aims to introduce a person to aviation security measures and requirements that a person should be aware of in order to protect civil aviation operations. This presentation also aims to educate employees about how they can work responsibly in order to protect civil aviation operations from acts of unlawful interference. English Completed
13 Sept 2022 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Faycal Chemkha Security Management System and sustainable performance The aim of the presentation is to highlight the need of all aviation actors to integrate SeMS as organized, systematic approach to managing aviation security. While a security culture encourages optimal security performance within entities, SeMS are assurance systems that provide those entities with the necessary organizational structure, accountabilities, policies and procedures to ensure effective oversight of their security operations. SeMS are therefore considered an efficient tool to continuously and efficiently assess the effectiveness of aviation security measures in a proactive manner. English Completed
19 Sept 2022 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Mr. Parvez Mohammad Sayeed Importance of AVSEC Training The aviation industry has been developing at a rapid pace throughout the world. Passenger and cargo traffic movements at airports holds the key to operational efficiency, thus making it vital to ensure compliance to industry standards and requirements. The aviation industry has also to deal with the incidents of acts of unlawful interference of various nature. All facets of civil aviation such as airports, aircraft, cargo, mail, catering, other related facilities and operations needs to be protected. Hence, aviation security training becomes important and its objective is to train security AVSEC personal to be prepared in order to meet the current and other foreseeable challenges. English Cancelled
25 Oct 2022 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Parvez Mohammad Sayeed Importance of ICAO Universal Aviation Security Audit Programme -Continuous Monitoring Approach (USAP-CMA) The purpose of this presentation is to give an insight about the objective of the ICAO USAP-CMA programme. This ICAO programme is meant to promote global aviation security through continuous auditing and monitoring of Member States’ aviation security performance, in order to enhance their aviation security compliance and oversight capabilities by:
  • regularly and continuously obtaining and analysing data on Member States’ aviation security performance by evaluating the degree of compliance with Standards of Annex 17 — Security and the relevant security-related Standards of Annex 9 — Facilitation.
  • identifying deficiencies in the overall aviation security performance of Member States and assessing the risks associated with such deficiencies.
  • (iii) providing prioritized recommendations to assist Member States in addressing identified deficiencies.
  • evaluating and validating corrective actions taken by Member States; and
  • re-assessing the overall levels of Member States’ aviation security performance achieved, aimed at continuously enhancing Member States’ aviation security compliance and oversight capabilities.
English Cancelled
2 Nov 2022 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Hatem Abdelmonem محاضرة تثقيفية عن الأحكام الخاصة بنقل المواد الخطرة جوا من قبل المسافرين أو أفراد الطاقم محاضرة للكاشفين الأمنيين والمشرفين عليهم والموظفيين المتعاملين مع الركاب و أفراد الطاقم للتعريف بالأحكام الخاصة بنقل المواد الخطرة جوا من قبل المسافرين أو أفراد الطاقم و التعرف على المواد الخطرة الغير مفصح عنها. Arabic Completed
16 Nov 2022 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Joseph & Mr. Tariq Al Marzooqi Importance of provisions of Annex 9 in Aviation Security The 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly, which was held in October 2013, established an equal footing between Aviation Security (AVSEC) and Facilitation (FAL). It became the new strategic objective for ICAO. Providing a secure environment for the travelling public should not jeopardize the comfort of passengers any longer and the real challenge was and continues to be the right combination of Security and Facilitation. For a long time, the issue of Facilitation (ICAO Annex 9) was a little neglected compared to that of Security (Annex 17). Thus, balancing both at the same level and recognizing them as being complementary to each other. This presentation aims to highlight the importance of the subject, which probably is the most diverse of all ICAO Annexes. Some areas of Annex 9 gained greater focus, such as Advanced Passenger Information (API), Machine readable Travel Document (MRTD), etc. Over the years, Facilitation grew in importance, especially in those areas which impact and/or complement security requirements. ICAO recognized that the implementation of Annex 9 is a real challenge for States and all the other entities involved. English Completed
28 Nov 2022 10:00 to 11:00 AM Mr. Ahmed Wagih محاضرة تثقيفية في المواد الخطرة للكاشفين الأمنيين والمشرفين عليهم والموظفيين المعنيين بتطبيق الاجراءات الأمنية. محاضرة للكاشفين الأمنيين والمشرفين عليهم والموظفيين المعنيين بتطبيق الاجراءات الأمنية لنشر ثقافة النقل الجوي الآمن للمواد الخطرة والتعرف على التحديات الراهنة والمستقبلية التي قد تواجههم. والتعرف على أهمية التدريب على المواد الخطرة كمتطلب دولي إلزامي. كيفية التعرف على المواد الخطرة الغير مفصح عنها، سواءا كانت في الشحن الجوي او بصحبة المسافرين وامتعتهم او في البريد. والتعرف على التشريعات الدولية ذات الصلة بالنقل الجوي للمواد الخطرة والدور المحوري الذي تلعبه دولة الامارات في هذا الشأن وكيفية تشريع المواد الخطرة في الدولة والبرامج والمبادرات ذات الصلة في الدولة. Arabic Completed