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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Air Accident Investigation

Head of Sector: Aysha Mohammed Al Hamili, Assistant Director General for Air Accident Investigation Sector

Main Function

The AAIS is mandated to investigate air accidents and incidents occurring in the territory of the United Arab Emirates, and to participate in the investigation of accidents and incidents conducted by other States where a UAE-registered aircraft has been involved.

About The Sector

The official foundation of the AAIS took place in October 2011. The AAIS is mandated to investigate aircraft accidents and incidents according to Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and to issue Final Reports containing safety recommendations. The AAIS is the sole body in the United Arab Emirates mandated to fulfill this mission.

Before October 2011, several investigations were conducted by the GCAA and the corresponding Final Reports were published. All available safety-related data and information that was collected as a result of accident and incident investigation in the United Arab Emirates has been preserved in an AAIS database.

Investigation Objectives

The objective of an AAIS investigation is to enhance aviation safety by determining the causes and contributing factors related to air accidents or incidents, and to issue safety recommendations to prevent reoccurrence. Investigations are conducted in accordance with UAE Civil Aviation Law No. 20 of 1991, in compliance with the Civil Aviation Regulation (CAR) Part VI Chapter 3, and in conformity with Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. It is not the purpose of the investigation activity to apportion blame or liability.

AAIS Structure

The AAIS is a Sector within the GCAA and is headed by an Assistant Director General (ADG). The Director Air Accident Investigation (DAAI) exercises operational control of the investigation department and reports to the ADG.

There are three grades of investigator in the Sector: Chief Air Accident Investigator, Senior Air Accident Investigator and Air Accident Investigator. In addition, the AAIS structure encompasses technical support and administration units.

